November Nuggets

Dear Parents,

Please mark your calendars!

Minimum Day and Movie Day – This Tuesday, November 5th, is a minimum day.  Dismissal for grades 1-6 is at 12:30.  For those who bought tickets, Toy Story 4 will be shown after school.

Book Fair – this week Monday through Friday.  Our class will visit the Book Fair on Wednesday before lunch.

Book Orders – due this Friday

Veteran’s Day – There is no school next Monday, November 11th for Veteran’s Day.

Parent/Teacher Conferences – In room E6, conferences will begin Friday, November 15th and continue through Friday, November 22nd.  Conference confirmation slips will be sent home with students on Tuesday, November 12th.

Thanksgiving Vacation – There is no school the week of November 25th to the 29th.

Please read below for a look at what we are doing in class this week:

Math – We are finishing our second chapter on multiplication strategies and problem solving.  We will review chapter 4 concepts on Thursday and there will be a test on Friday, November 8th.

Reading – We are reading native american legends and discussing characteristics of this genre.

Science – We are discussing the different types of animal species we have developed through the process of selection.  There will be a quiz on Friday.

Writing – Students are writing and revising their second personal narrative. Students are writing interesting leads and endings and including dialogue, details and strong word choices in their writing.

Vocabulary – In the last 8 weeks, we have learned 40 new words.  We will be reviewing those words all week and taking a unit test on Friday.

P.E. – This week we have P.E. on Tuesday and Thursday.

Computers – We have computers each week on Thursdays.

Library – There will be no library this week due to the Book Fair.