Dear Parents,
I hope you are all enjoying the cool down of the weather as Fall fully ushers its way in. Here are a few important dates coming up for you to mark in your calendars.
Friday, October 25th: Students and teachers can dress up as a character from a book during the school day. Fall Festival will be in the evening that day from 5:00 to 8:00. Students can wear costumes to the festival but masks and weapons of any kind are not allowed.
Third grade will be running a nachos booth at the Fall Festival as a way to earn money for our grade level. Be sure to come by and buy some nachos or a soda! Third grade will also be running a Pumpkin Golf game booth this year. A sign-up genius link was sent out for parents to sign up to volunteer for a shift or to donate if they are able.
Our character trait this month is Healthy Choices.
Here is a look at what we are doing in class this week:
Math – We will continue to learn about multiplication through equal groups and arrays. We will apply these strategies to solve problems. There will be a test on Thursday covering concepts we learned in chapter 3 regarding strategies for multiplication. On Friday, we will begin learning to multiply one digit numbers. Students will be learning multiple strategies they can use to multiply by each individual factor through 10.
Reading – We are reading Third Grade Angels as a class. Students are answering questions in complete sentences using the text as evidence. They are also analyzing characters to determine their traits and they are practicing the skill of visualizing what they read.
Writing – We are continuing our revisions of a personal narrative. Students have learned about using interesting words, adding detail, using and punctuating dialogue, writing interesting leads, using transition words and when to start a new paragraph. All of these writing skills will make them the best writer they can be!
Science – This week in Mystery Science, we are learning about animals through time: what they ate, how they survived in their environments, where we find fossils and what the location of those fossils means.
Social Studies – We have learned about text features found in non-fiction literature and are practicing identifying them. Text features are: table of contents, bold words, titles, headings, pictures, captions, maps, labels and diagrams. Students have also been completing their group projects about a California region that was assigned to them for research.
Grammar – We are practicing what we’ve learned thus far with prepositional phrases and common and proper nouns.
Spelling – The pattern this week is final e. What happens to the other vowels in a word when there is a silent e at the end?
P.E. – We have P.E. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Computers – We have computers on Thursday mornings.
Library – We have library on Tuesdays.