

The Holga is a medium format 120 film camera, made in Hong Kong, known for its low-fidelity aesthetic. The Holga’s low-cost construction and simple meniscus lens often yields pictures that display vignetting, blur, light leaks, and other distortions.

Some different versions of this camera are:







example pictures:




Photo Essay: Adopt-a-Family

Photo Essay

For my photo essay I chose to write about my Adopt-a-Family for National Honor Society. Every year in Honor Society each house is assigned a family in need by Mrs. Boone. In our house we have one or two leaders who sign up as the leader to run Adopt-a-Family and since I’ve participated with this the past two years I wanted to actually be a leader this year. So luckily I was selected along with my partner Kylie to run our house’s Adopt-a-Family.

We received a family of seven total! She is a single mother and she also gave birth last month! To get things started first we had to call the family and schedule a date of delivery which is Saturday, December 12 at 3 pm. Next our house leader sent out pictures of the forms with the family’s information, details, and gift requests on them to our whole house so everyone knew what was needed for this family. The following weekend I went out shopping with my mom as well as my mom’s friend and we managed to buy 2- 5 outfits for all of the kids,binkies,baby blanket,PJs as well as pots and pans for the mother and a nice robe she asked for. My partner went out and bought the teenager daughter a sweater outfit and the teenage son a nice sweater. After sending out several emails we received $80 donations and a $20 target gift card! I scheduled a “wrapping party” where everyone from my house came to Mrs. Boone’s room after school Thursday and we wrapped everything and make it look festive and the best part was we all got an hour of community service!

Even though I had already gone out and had +25 items my mom and I thought it would be a cute idea to go and buy some things that would be the family’s stocking. So we ended up getting a Sorry! board game, a Scooby Doo movie disk with the first and second movie, a jumbo chalk pack, a movie  package that comes with a bucket /3 bags of popcorn/ and two packs of candy, and finally we bought additional Christmas themed candy so everyone could enjoy a treat during the movie! Hopefully everything will go smoothly and we’ll make this a perfect Christmas that this family truly deserves and there’s nothing better than that. Over all this has been a very interesting project to lead because I got to manage nearly 30 people and plan certain days of  activities which was a first however it taught me some great leadership skills that I’ll use throughout my life. I can’t wait to see their smiling faces when we get to be Santa.

Pictures from Adopt-a-Family

2015-12-13 14.47.09

2015-12-13 14.47.49

2015-12-12 15.32.15

2015-12-13 14.45.09

2015-12-12 15.32.47 2015-12-12 15.28.27

Photo Essay Photographer

The Photographer I chose is Seth Casteel. He is an awarding winning photographer and New York Time best-selling author. He is most known for his book series called Underwater Dogs,Puppies,and Babies around the world. His work truly began in 2007 when we started volunteering at animal shelters to  help homeless animals get adopted and make their lives happy ones.


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Photojournalism Picture

Disneyland in Paris closes the day after the Paris Terrorist attacks for the first time ever in its history and the park has been open daily since 1992. I like this picture and article because it shows how heavily Paris was impacted because of these attacks, crazy to think “the happiest place on earth” was possibly the saddest that day.

5 Thankful

DavisBThankful3 I’m thankful for Bodega Bay because it is my happy place.

DavisBThankful4 I’m thankful for the pets we have in our family because they are all very sweet and loving to each other and us.

Thnxful1 I’m thankful for my dog Faith because she is my world and has been in my life since I was a about 7 and she’s always there for me when I have no one else to be.

thnxful 2 I’m thankful for my friends because they always bring fun times and great memories when we are together and that’s why I love them! 😀

DavisBThankful5 I’m thankful for being able to go camping with my grandparents twice a year at Bodega Bay because we don’t get to spend much time together anymore so going there with them is always a peaceful and lovely time.