
Hawaii Photoshop Tutorial

DavisBHawaiiPST (1)This is my Photoshop tutorial, Hawaii. It took me about two days to finish it but it was interesting to read the instructions step by step because I learned more about Photoshop.



These are my landscape pictures i took for homework and i thought this field was a good location to shoot there.
DavisBLandscape1 DavisBLandscape2

Photo Journalism Share

When researching about photojournalism I came across this picture. I found it really interesting because this young girl was posing with her cigarette so casually. It just made me think about how smoking isn’t a big deal to some parents and kids for that matter. It just makes me question where her parents are and why is this okay, but the saddest part is that if that littler girl is the older girl’s sister then you know that nasty habit will continue onto her. Our generation needs to defeat  this battle with smoking so this doesn’t continue onto future generations. #letswinthisfight! 😀

Motion/Blur Shutter Speeds

Some internet samples:















Abstract Blur- shutter is 1/25th and the F stop was 1/36th














Pan Blur- Shutter for all was 1/25th and F stop is 1/36th












Blur- shutter for all was 1/50th and the F stop was 1/36th










Stop Action- shutter for all was 1/850th and the F stop was 10


Abstract Photography

  • Abstract Photography can’t be defined but it includes the rules: “Does not represent the subject in a literal way and communicates primarily through form, color, and curves rather than image detail.”
  • Photographers like to do this style of photography because it can be very powerful and have great meaning to the simplest things
  • essentials are form, color, color contrast, curves, no rules, rules of third, and the art of subtOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAractionsOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Photojournalism Webquest

Project:Lakes and Roses-This images expresses the theme dedication because this women has so many dolls. I think the Coyne took this picture to show how someone could care about something so much even if its just dolls. It makes me feel the passion the woman has for her dolls as if they were her pets or children.

To Michael Coyne the most important things when taking a photo are having a  plan and then not following through with it, creating new ideas, as well as getting to know the people you are photographing.

What i found most interesting in the presentation was how much emotion he had when talking to the group, you could really tell how much he cares and lives for Photography.

Task 2

-Alfred Eisenstaedt/The Kiss/1945/New York,New York

This images was take on VJ Day and it is when all the Allies claimed victory over Japan and the sailor is celebrating by kissing his wife. I think the Photographer captured the intended message well because it clearly shows the theme celebration of VJ Day. What stands out in this image is the way the sailor is grasping his wife with a love filled kiss and how she stands while being embraced by him. Her position is almost conveying the message of being “swept of her feet.”

Photo Documentary

Photojournalism-the art or practice of communicating news by photographs, especially in magazines.


Photography and Photojournalism has a few differences. For instance, Photojournalism is usually explaining a story or a series of events with pictures. The job of a Photojournalist is to capture the images of the event enough so, that the images are narrating themselves. However Photography is usually images of an event or thing over time.

NPPA is the National Press Photographers Associations. This groups pushes for higher standards of photojournalism, understanding every side of a story in specific events, as well as document the world we live in.

The code of ethics were created to promote the highest quality of visual journalism and these codes are:

  1. Be accurate and comprehensive
  2. Resist being manipulated by staged photo
  3. Be complete and provide context when photographing. Avoid presenting one’s own biases in the work.
  4. Treat all subjects with respect and dignity.
  5. While photographing subjects do not  alter or influence events.
  6. Do not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers
  7. Do not pay sources  for information or participation.
  8. Do not accept gifts from those who might seek to influence coverage.
  9. Do not sabotage other journalists.


Definition-a picture produced with photographic materials, such as light-sensitive paper, but without a camera

1)Ethan Jantzer- This artist likes to experiment and be creative when making photograms. He will use any type of subject in in his photo grams such as fish, grass, or even liquids. A common liquid he uses to create a specific color is Gatorade and Windex.

Goldfish photogram by Ethan JantzerPhotogram by Ethan JantzerRed poppies, photogram by Ethan Jantzer

2)Christine Yardley- This artist likes to also experiment with different things. She believes to achieve the best product you have to use and combine multiple techniques when working with photography. She often uses shadowing and likes to create a layered look in her work.

For my photogram I would like to do something very simple  such as something incorporating nature in it. Even using things sucks as twigs,leaves, or flower petals I think I could create something decent…hopefully. Some ideas I have are possibly creating a flower with leaves or maybe I would try to spell out a word using random objects from outside or my house. many possibilities 😀

Pop Art

Pop art originated from Britain in the mid 1950’s. This art welcomes the unique side of photography and appreciates pop culture. The new generation of artists from post WW II wanted to express a new and different side of art. This is when the Pop Art movement was created, however it was never officially recognize till 1958 by Lawrence Alloway in his article. Some famous artist from the movement were Andy Warhol and Lichtenstein.This art style added a sense of colorful imagery with products and famous celebrities from that time.

Link: Pop Art Tutorial 3

My Pop Art before and after:

2014-07-14 15.24.43










some samples:

This entry was posted on August 27, 2014. 1 Comment