
Film Developing steps review

1. Once the film is loaded in the developing container and you are in the darkroom the first thing you will do is remove the red lid and add the appropriate amount of developer. Shake the container every 30 seconds for 5 seconds for two minutes.
2. Pour the developer back into the bottle and then add the stop and shake it every 30 seconds for 5 seconds for one minute
3 Pour the stop back into the bottle and then add the fix and shake it every 30 seconds for each minute for five minutes
4.Pour the fix back into the bottle and then add the wash and shake it every 30 seconds for each minute for five minutes
5. Pour the wash back into the bottle and then go take your film out of the container and hang dry it

Photo Journalism- Essay Pasta Palooza

Link-Photojournlism Essay

The topic I chose for my Photojournalism essay was community service at Laguna Creek’s Pasta Palooza IB dinner. I found out about this event during an Honor Society meeting and I thought it would be a great topic to talk about for this essay as well as get some community service hours! As a freshman, last year I volunteered for this event and it was a great success for the school and this year’s dinner was even better! This event was on the twentieth of September, which was a Saturday from six to seven o’clock (the actual dinner). However If you signed up volunteer you had an option of three different jobs and times.
The first job was “set up” from three to six pm and your jobs in this time were to pull out tables, put them in the correct lay out, put the center table decorations on tables and also organize the raffle prizes, tickets, baskets, and desserts. Putting the raffle items together correctly was essential to this dinner because it was a crucial way of earning more money for the school and the IB functions so quite a few volunteers were cutting, separating, and counting the raffle tickets. The Second job option was “serving” and it was from six to seven o’ clock. It was very simple job all you did was serve the guests the food they chose to have. Due to having an abundance of servers a few did not get the chance to serve so they simply waited on guests by getting them extra utensils or walked around selling raffle tickets. The third and final job was “clean up” from seven to eight thirty o’clock. Personally I found this the most fun because one of my best friends was there and we finally got to hang out. It was a blast being able to be silly and have fun with folding the tables, putting away decorations, counting tickets, packing extra food. However the most fun job was we both got assigned the job of running around the school ripping
posters down in the dark. It was so much fun and the last thing I thought I would be doing. It just proves how fun surprises can happen at school events!
When we were finishing up the finishing touches we all were excited for the families and guests to arrive. When the doors opened at six people made their way in the cafeteria and lines formed to buy tickets and once they did people scoped the choices of prizes which were all types of dessert to various gift certificates. After that, most people began to be served and seated. Once most were some advisors spoke a little about the event and thanked the guests and then serves were able to indulge in the free dinner provided. It was yummy and quite rewarding after about four hours of working. Then the announcer drew the raffle tickets and it was quite a competition. It was really funny to watch people’s reactions!
This event was important because it raised money for the school and also it made families gather together for a family dinner and have fun with the raffles. While serving I got to see the tables full of families and I couldn’t help but crack a smile at the sight of it because in today’s society this isn’t as common as it used to be or should be. It’s hard enough for some families to even get everyone to the table and have a family dinner but even if you go to a restaurant and glance around most people or families are burying their noses in phones and ignoring each other. So this event was a great opportunity for a real family time and dinner.
One of best parts about this event was that it was put on and run my parents and students. Instead of these people doing other things on a Saturday they went to school and help run this service event. Community service can truly show the kindness some people have and the desire they have to help support the school and its program as well as the community because we all are a part of it. When it comes to community service I believe students should be more involved in it for the betterment of the community and themselves because it can be very fun and enjoyable like this dinner! ☺

PhotoJournalism- Pasta Palooza Pictures


Picture 1(One of the signs made for the dinner)
Picture 2(One of the signs made for the dinner)
Picture 3(The sign for the raffle)
Picture 4(Tickets being cut ans counted for the raffle)
Picture 5(The tables after being set up)
Picture 6(One of the many prizes for the raffle)
Picture 7(Desserts up for win in the raffle)
Picture 8(Drinks table, a lot of it was donated)
Picture 9(Serves getting in place for guests)
Picture 10(The dinner plate served)
Picture 11(Everyone seated and chatting with each other)
Picture 12(The raffle winning tickets being called)

Scary selfie

This is  my scary selfie it came out okay but i k it could be much better with a little more time and experience with Photoshop. It might not be scary but i like the eyes!

Haunted Landscape

This my scary or haunted landscape it didn’t turn out scary but it looks like Halloween sort of.


This is my multiplicity picture. I used Rachael as my model and she did a perf job 😀 so thanks so much! If i titled this picture it would probably be “The Many faces of Rachael”.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Forced Prospective

This is my forced prospective picture of my dog and my mom is suppose to look like she is holding her.forced pro

Social Issue/ Barbara Kruegar

Samples of her work:



  • Social issue- Bullying
  • I chose this topic because it is a very big issue in today’s schools and also i think we’ve all been bullied or even have been the bully at some time in our lives. Bullying is a huge problem that does need to be solved and eventually and hopefully we’ll find the grand solution so school and overall the world can nicer

    Some facts:

    1. over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year
    2. About 160,000 teen skip school every day because of bullying
    3. 17% of American students are bullied 2 or 3 times per month
    4. Only 1/4 of teachers think bullying is wrong
    5. 90% of 4th- 8th graders are victims
    6. 75% of school shooting are linked to bullying

    The message i was conveying in my image was to stop bullying bu speaking up for yourself and for others.

    This is my picture:


    Jerry Uelsmann

    This is my “Jerry Uelsmann” picture. The symbolic message i was tying to convey was something like “We withhold life with love.” The three images i blended together was an arm, a tree, and a leaf and i just darkened and lassoed it into the shape of a heart. As a background i added the rendered clouds in black and i like how it created a dramatic feeling to my picture. 😀

    Samples of his work:



    Inspirational Poster

    Inspirational poster:











    My inspirational poster (taken by me on the coast near Bodega Bay,CA during the summer):
