Archive | January 2016

Street Art

This is my Street Art for Graphic’s decentBriannaDavis

This entry was posted on January 26, 2016. 1 Comment

Liquid Light

These pictures were created by slowing the shutter speed and while taking the picture we used little lasers to create  creative image.

DavisB1 DavisB2 DavisB3


So my first resolution is to be able to get my school work  more efficiently so that I can play more of my many games because I  love to but I don’t usually have much time to. My Second resolution  is to drink 4 bottles of water not just 2 a day.

DavisBRes1 DavisBRes2


The Holga is a medium format 120 film camera, made in Hong Kong, known for its low-fidelity aesthetic. The Holga’s low-cost construction and simple meniscus lens often yields pictures that display vignetting, blur, light leaks, and other distortions.

Some different versions of this camera are:







example pictures:


