I chose this topic because it is a very big issue in today’s schools and also i think we’ve all been bullied or even have been the bully at some time in our lives. Bullying is a huge problem that does need to be solved and eventually and hopefully we’ll find the grand solution so school and overall the world can nicer
Some facts:
- over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year
- About 160,000 teen skip school every day because of bullying
- 17% of American students are bullied 2 or 3 times per month
- Only 1/4 of teachers think bullying is wrong
- 90% of 4th- 8th graders are victims
- 75% of school shooting are linked to bullying
The message i was conveying in my image was to stop bullying bu speaking up for yourself and for others.
This is my picture: