Archive | March 2014

Favorite assignment yr 1

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe macro was my favorite assignment because I was able to capture nature on the beginning of a new day when the plants are “waking up”. I was really excited about it when I took them and I still am. I would love to shoot more macro next year! 😀


Before and After

For this assignment  took a picture before taking notes and after, it was pretty simple too! 😀

My Surrealism

I’m not really sure what my motive was when creating this picture but it was fun and pretty simple. I took the picture of the two tress on campus and then I decided to take my previously taken apples pic and copy out on of the green apples and place them onto the tree. Then I found my pretty butterfly picture and lassoed it and places them into the background picture onto the tree. I guess it was just about being a little random and maybe not making sense yet it was interesting to look at and I think I accomplished it! 😀OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Flash Back Friday

This is a picture of a picture of me when I’m maybe 2. I have poof-poofs and have poody lips 😀20140227 15.42.56