Archive | February 2014

Selfie Nation Week

20131223_114026a picture of ones self. hmmm…..To me selifes are a little dumb, honestly. I guess I don’t understand why you would want pictures of yourself for yourself, its odd to me. So this assignment was a little awkward because I felt narcissi or vain when taking them. However to many people selfies are important because it  can show your personality, pride, or simply what your doing in you day or life. The value of selfies really differs from person to person so there is no true importance. To me I could care less but for others it’s just apart of their life! 😀


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For this assignment we had to take 3 pictures and create a scene in the song by adding parts of the song lyrics into it. We also hadOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA to apply our skills that we have learned. For my song I chose A thousand years pt 2 by Christina perri, and yes it’s from Twilight. It is their love song 😀 All of my pictures were WOWed first. For the first picture on the left, i used a filter that made it fuzzy and defined the details. Then i changed the hue to make it this blue color and added the lyrics. For the second picture, which was more complex because Sam went and made my a cross for my picture, so thanks sam! Then i  found a place on campus worth dirty and put the cross there and once i captured the picture i a turned it black and white by taking out the saturation and added a glow on the top to make it look heavenly. For the last picture i took a picture of a watch and turned it black and white  and added a focused spot on the middle of the watch. So yeaaa these are my pictures! 😀

Goals and dreams

20140212 21.08.32 This assignment was simple and easy. We had to take two pictures of our goals and dreams. Mine are these; the first represents going to UCD’s veterinary program that is second best in the world! The second is getting into UCD for my bachelors degree. These have been my dreams and goals for 6 years now and I am determined to reach them! 😀 20140212 20.58.23


DavisB fashion DavisB fashion This assignment was kind of a wing it assignment for me because I really didn’t know what I wanted to do because I didn’t just want someone to model clothes for me. So I happen to stumble upon these glasses and decided to use them. It was kind of a bad shoot because someone didn’t listen and put their dirty shoes on the WHITE sheet so it got dirty and i couldn’t really prop anything up under so it was on the ground. So, I couldn’t really get any angles, so lets say I’m not the happiest about these pictures. 🙁


DavisB pic1  This assignment was pretty simple basically we had to take to headshots of our partner and here are mine! 😀DavisB pic2

Super Bowl Sunday

This assignment was pretty simple we just had to take a picture of what we were doing on super bowl sunday and i was watching the game, but because the game was so sad i decided to just take a picture of half time, with Bruno Mars singing and fireworks going off! 😀DavisB