2nd Grade
Reading Fluency Goals:
Fall = 53-81 WCPM
Winter = 78-105 WCPM
Spring = 94-123 WCPM
Fluent Readers:
Students who read fluently read grade level material with 98 – 100% accuracy (example: missing only 2 of 100 words). They demonstrate appropriate attention to punctuation, phrasing, stress, intonation, and/or expression in their voice. Generally they read smoothly with some breaks, but word and structure difficulties are resolved quickly, more often through self correction.
Non-Fluent Readers:
Students who are non-fluent readers are not able to read grade level material appropriately. They read with less than 90% accuracy and are unable to recognize many words. They read word by word with very little attention to punctuation, stress, intonation, and expression. They read with little or no sense of phrasing.
How to build reading fluency:
· Master all of the grade level High Frequency words.
· Practice makes perfect, but only if the student is reading at their level. How can you gauge? Pick up a book and have your child read one paragraph. If they read 5 words incorrectly in one paragraph then they are reading material that is too difficult. Your child should be reading books/material at their level (in their ZPD) otherwise they will become frustrated with reading.
· Read To/Read With: reading aloud to others is a great way to build reading confidence and fluency. Also, parents reading aloud to their child is a great opportunity to model good reading, pacing, expression, etc.
· Choral Reading = reading together.
· Echo Reading = you read a sentence then have the student read the same sentence to you. Make sure the student is “reading” and not just memorizing what was just read.
· Starfall.com is an excellent website to help build reading skills in struggling readers!