Weekly Schedule

Rotations and other weekly events:

Monday-Thursday 8:45-9:25 WIN Time which includes Fluency practice, phonics, Science, Social Studies, English Language Development
Monday 8:05-8:45 PE with Mrs. Dallas

Tuesday 8:05-8:45 PE with Mrs. Sumaraga

Tuesday 12:40-1:20 Computers with Mr. Lago

Library (every other week)= Wednesday Students must return their book by Tuesday morning in order to check out a new book each week.

*Please do not pull your child out of school during rotation times as your child will only have these subjects during these times and it may be difficult to catch your child up on the missed instruction.

Regular Day Schedule
7:55 – Line up at Red Dot P5
8:00-8:45 Morning Work, Workshop and Math Journals/PE
8:40-9:25 WIN
8:45-9:25 Language Arts (includes phonics, spelling, grammar, writing, and reading instruction)
9:25-9:40 Snack Recess
9:40-11:10 Language Arts
11:10-11:50 Lunch and Recess
11:50-12:00 Teacher read aloud
12:00-1:30 GO Math!
1:30-2:10 Workshop
2:10-2:20 Pack Up and Stack Up
2:20 Dismissal

Early Out-Every Thursday Dismissal is 1:30

Minimum Day Schedule

Rainy Day/Extreme Weather Schedule

9:35-9:50 Snack Recess (inside the classroom)
11:45-12:25 Lunch (no outside recess)
12:30 Dismissal

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