Weekly News-January 19th

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Go Math!
Our class will be continuing Ch. 6: Adding and Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers
We will be focusing on these Essential Questions:
• What are the steps and strategies used to solve 3-digit addition and
subtraction problems?
• How do you know when to regroup in addition and subtraction problems?
• How can making a model help when solving addition and subtraction
• How do you select the strategy you use when solving addition and subtraction

What is your strategy for subtracting when zeros are present?
Our school supplies have dwindled down. If you would be interested in donating any items to help our class, here is our wish list!
Baby Wipes
Clorox Wipes
White board markers
Lysol Spray
Language Arts
This week we’ll explore the question
“Why is it important to keep trying even if
something is difficult to do?” As we read
the realistic fiction selection Luke Goes to
Bat, we will find out about a boy who learns
an important lesson with the help of his
grandmother and the legendary baseball
player Jackie Robinson. In the informational
text, Jackie Robinson, we will learn more
about this special American hero.
Activities to Do Together
Make up sentences with your child using two Target Vocabulary words. Then try making
up a sentence that has three vocabulary words in it!
Watch and Talk
Tune in to a baseball game or other another sport on TV. Turn the sound down as you
watch the screen. Take turns with your child describing the action of the game.
Order of Events
Discuss a recent event you and your child attended, such as a sporting event, play, or
movie. Ask your child to write about what happened, first, next, and last.

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