CRES Computer Lab in the News

The CRES Computer Lab was recently featured in the River Valley Times. The article focused on the need to teach computer programming. Students in 3rd grade will  receive instruction in computer programming, using HTML and CSS. Their first lessons will focus on the basic template for creating a web page. Students will then be shown how to operate KomodoEdit, a free editor thats helps them preview their web pages.

A recent article from the River Valley Times.

A recent article from the River Valley Times.

I found this video about the creator of Summly to be very interesting. This kid began programming when he was 13, using YouTube videos for instruction. He is rumored to have received $30 million for his app.

This video, in particular, really inspired me to stretch my skills as a teacher. When I learned that only 1 in 10 schools was teaching programming, such a basic skill for today’s students, I realized I had to seek the professional development I needed so that I could offer programming to my students.