Getting involved at our school

August 12th, 2013

Parents will have many opportunities to help at our school this year. Parents may be interested in helping in the classroom, making a donation, or by helping with fundraisers. We appreciate any way that you are able to contribute to our school and to your child’s education this year!

Classroom Helpers:

Parents may volunteer to help in our class. You can either volunteer to work with kids or to help the teacher with ‘prep’ work. We especially need parents Monday-Friday from 9:00-10:00 during our “workshop” time. Parents may volunteer to help once a week, twice a month, or just whenever you have a day off. We also need a helper every Friday to collect and prepare our weekly folders. If you are interested in helping in the classroom, please contact me at  to let me know when you are available.


On occasion, we will need supplies in the classroom. I will let you know when we are in need of something specific by posting our wish list here.


We encourage all parents to join our school’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Our PTA helps fund assemblies, special school wide events such as the Fall Festival and the Spring Carnival, the library, and much, much more! If you have any questions about our school PTA, please email them at . You can also follow them on Facebook. Just search for Helen Carr Castello PTA.

Box Tops for Education:

Our school is collecting Box Tops for Education. These can be found on boxes of cereal, Ziploc baggies, Kleenex, and many more products. These box tops are turned in for cash for our school! Please send Box Tops in an envelope or baggie with your child’s name and room number written on it. There will be raffles throughout the year for kids who collect box tops.


Throughout the year, our school will be holding fundraisers. I will post information here about any upcoming fundraisers at our school. Our big fundraiser is the annual Jog-A-Thon. This is the best opportunity to donate money to our school since 100% of the donations go straight to our school and our classrooms!

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