Welcome to kindergarten

August 5, 2014

I am looking forward to a great year in kindergarten. I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday, August 13th.  Morning classes will have their orientation from 9:00-10:30 and the afternoon classes will have theirs from 11:00-12:30.

The first day of school is Thursday, August 14th. Morning class begins at 8:10 and is dismissed at 11:30 and afternoon class begins at 11:00 and is dismissed at 2:20.


Allergy Allert

August 29, 2013

We have a number of students who suffer from peanut/tree nut allergies.  If you are planning on sending in snacks to share for a birthday or special event,  make sure that the snack is nut free.  Store bought items are a good idea as they have labels to check for ingredients.  Also remind your child not to share their snacks during recess.  We want to keep all of our kids safe here at school!

Book Orders

August 26, 2013

Our first Scholastic book order is due this Friday, August 30th!  If you send in the order to school, please send a check make out to Scholastic.

You can also log on to clubs2.scholastic.com and use our classroom code FZQZX to order as well.  If you order online, you also get a certificate for a free book on future orders!

Happy Reading!

Color Weeks!

August 16, 2013

For the next two weeks, the kindergarten classes will be celebrating COLOR WEEKS. Every day, your child will wear a specific color. We will be making a color book that kids will take home at the end of the two weeks. Do not go out and buy anything new for these color days. Be creative. Your child may only have a stripe of that color on their shirt or a colorful bow in their hair. Have fun!

  • August 19th- Wear White
  • August 20th- Wear Red
  • August 21st- Wear Yellow
  • August 22nd- Wear Blue
  • August 23rd- Wear Orange
  • August 26th- Wear Green
  • August 27th- Wear Purple
  • August 28th- Wear Brown
  • August 29th- Wear Black
  • August 30th- Wear your favorite color

Welcome to Kindergarten

August 12, 2013

I am very excited to meet all of the new kindergarten families at our Kindergarten Orientation this Wednesday, August 14th from 11:00 am-12:30 pm in Room G4! We will have fun activities to do in the classroom, then students will have a chance to play on the playground with Mrs. Mullican, the AM kindergarten teacher who helps in our class, while I talk with parents about our kindergarten program. This ‘parent orientation’ will be repeated at Back to School Night for parents unable to attend the orientation.

Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, August 15th from 6-7:30 pm. Mrs. Graham, our principal, will talk with parents in the MP Room from 6-6:30 pm. I will repeat the same information discussed at the orientation about our kindergarten program from 6:30-7:00 pm. I will be available to answer questions from 7-7:30 pm. If you are unable to attend the orientation, I highly encourage you to come to Back to School Night.

**PLEASE sign up to receive an email when new information is posted on this blog. This is an excellent way for you to stay informed about what is happening in your child’s class. Just type your email address under ‘subscribe by email‘ on the right side of this page.

I look forward to meeting all of you and starting a fabulous new school year!

Mrs. Cornfield

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