


The song I chose was Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. This song has lots of lyrics I could have chosen, but I chose these in particular because they are some of the most well known lines from the song.

Look Up to the Skies and See

I chose this lyric because it is very symbolic, and powerful. I had Rajean look up into the sky. I changed the levels and color balance to make the sky more vibrant.

Gotta Leave You all Behind and Face the Truth

I really like this line. It means that the singer must leave everything behind that doesn’t really matter and face reality. Although the situation is just an example, much of this song relates to the struggles Freddie Mercury faced during his life. I had Lexus and Rajean wait behind while Tremar left them both behind. I tried to make the sky look as gray and gloomy as possible, to fit the mood and tone of the situation.

I See a Little Silhouetto of A Man

This is the first line after the tempo of the song speeds up. It is very recognizable. I took a picture of Tremar’s shadow on the racketball wall. I changed the levels to make his shadow contrast with the background.

Eagle Hybrid


Animal – Eagle

Culture – Native American

Symbolism – In Native American culture, the eagle symbolizes the divine spirit, creation and freedom. It represents strength, courage, wisdom, and has healing powers.

I chose the eagle because I have always been fascinated with them, ever since I was little. It wasn’t until I got older until I learned that eagles represent freedom and patriotism. When I see an eagle, it gives me the chills. It represents America, American culture, freedom, spirituality, gracefulness, and power.

Body Image

ComptonBdistortion1 ComptonBdistortion2

These are my body distortions. Many media outlets, such as magazines, newspapers, websites, movies, and television use Photoshop to “distort” the image of celebrities. I am not exactly sure how I feel about this. In some cases, it is perfectly acceptable. When editors use Photoshop to touch up minor defects or imperfections, that is perfectly acceptable. But when Photoshop is used to completely change the look of someone, that is going too far. Making someone look thinner, younger or “more attractive” is not right. Many people, including young people, look at these pictures and think that that is what they have to look like. It creates a standard many people try to live up to that in reality, is not even real.

Birds Eye Ants Eye

Birds Eye – Manhole Cover                                                      Ants Eye – Looking up the trunk of tree


Birds Eye – Looking down at a pile of leaves                     Ants Eye – Ground view of the bike lock