Random Acts of Kindness.

Random Act of Kindness Questions

  • The article is called Can Kindness Movements Make Difference? This article was written by Sam Judah talking about whether or not special kindness movements can make a difference or not.
  • There were multiple little acts done by several different people such as picking up trash and leaving hampers of food at doorsteps. The conclusions they came to is that these kinds of acts help people individually because what we think people really need isn’t what they need. Kindness movements help people with some problems but definitely not all, “but if they can solve some of our problems, why not use them?”
  • The article did not convince me on anything because I have my own personal view on things like this anyways however, it did enforce my desire to be more kind and open, even if it doesn’t help everyone. Something I can do will help someone even if it’s for a short period of time.
  • “Strangers Shower Dying Utah Girl with Christmas Cards So She Can Feel ‘Really Loved’” by Brady McCombs is a very cute and inspirational article. A nine year old girl has something the doctors couldn’t define that stopped her growth, and now she has less than a year to live. Her grandmother thought why not get people from all over the world give her cards to make her feel really loved, and it worked. After recognition from a TV station, they were receiving over a thousand cards a day and it completely made Addie a happy child. This inspires me because something so simple such as cards can make a dying person happy and make their life meaningful.

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