Random Acts of Kindness.

Random Act of Kindness Questions

  • The article is called Can Kindness Movements Make Difference? This article was written by Sam Judah talking about whether or not special kindness movements can make a difference or not.
  • There were multiple little acts done by several different people such as picking up trash and leaving hampers of food at doorsteps. The conclusions they came to is that these kinds of acts help people individually because what we think people really need isn’t what they need. Kindness movements help people with some problems but definitely not all, “but if they can solve some of our problems, why not use them?”
  • The article did not convince me on anything because I have my own personal view on things like this anyways however, it did enforce my desire to be more kind and open, even if it doesn’t help everyone. Something I can do will help someone even if it’s for a short period of time.
  • “Strangers Shower Dying Utah Girl with Christmas Cards So She Can Feel ‘Really Loved’” by Brady McCombs is a very cute and inspirational article. A nine year old girl has something the doctors couldn’t define that stopped her growth, and now she has less than a year to live. Her grandmother thought why not get people from all over the world give her cards to make her feel really loved, and it worked. After recognition from a TV station, they were receiving over a thousand cards a day and it completely made Addie a happy child. This inspires me because something so simple such as cards can make a dying person happy and make their life meaningful.


Neha Chand
Photo 2
January 15, 2015

Activists, Student Research

3 activists;

1) Keith Mann – Keith Mann was an animal rights activist that ended up helping spread the awareness of animal use and helped remove animal farms that were using animals in a negative way.

2) Ronald McCallum – The first totally blind person to be appointed to a full professorship in any subject at any university in Australia or New Zealand. He chairs the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Geneva.

3) Barbara Brooks Gittings – A prominent American activist for gay equality. She helped push for the APA to remove homosexuality as a mental illness. She brought attention to the ban on employment of gay people by the largest employer in the US at that time, the US government.

5 Causes of Activism;

1) Human and civil rights activism.
2) Women’s Rights.
3) Environment.
4) Animal Rights.
5) LGBT Rights.

These interest me because there is always something someone can do to help and get involved in these causes.

New Years Resolution.

Two of my new years resolutions are actually pretty simple, to draw more and save extra change. I want to have more completed things to look at in the future from drawing, I’m not exactly the best but it’s fun and I want to see how my thinking and ideas change over time. I also want to save the loose change many people tend to ignore and see how much that gets me over time.




Pinhole Camera.

Pinhole examples;



Steps in creating a pinhole camera;

1) Gather materials. – Box, photo paper, thin piece of metal like a can or brass shim, tape, xacto knife, needle, sand paper.

2) Make the pinhole by poking a tiny hole in the brass shim with a needle and sand it smooth. Trim the shim so there is a little space around the hole.


3) Make camera box. – Use a light proof box and paint it flat black then cut a small square opening in the box for the pinhole to go in.


4) Put in pinhole and make shutter. – Tape the pinhole behind the square opening and make a shutter which is just a flap that covers the pinhole from outside.


5) Load the photo paper. – HAS TO BE DONE IN COMPLETE DARKNESS. Tape the piece of photo paper across from the hole and put the lid on.

Picture of Load The Photo Paper

6) Taking a picture. – Point the camera at what you want to shoot. (Best when bright and sunny) Open the shutter for 30 – 4 minutes then close, make sure to be perfectly still. Then take to darkroom and develop.

Site; Making a Pinhole.