Steps to develop film: LINK ––photo-2580
1. Gather supplies; 1-2 rolls of exposed T-MAX film, developing tank, can opener, beaker or measuring cup, thermometer, scissors, containers, negative carrier, 3 containers for mixing chemicals. Chemicals; Kodak T-MAX developer, stop bath, rapid fixer with hardening agents, hypo clearing agent, photo flo.
2. Load, Expose, Unload the Camera.
3. Mixing the chemicals.
4. Light Proof a Room.
5. Open the Film Canister.
6. Take the Film out of the Canister.
7. Even Off the End of the Film.
8. Load the Reel.
9. Cut Off the Plastic End of the Reel.
10. Before the Developing Process.
11. T-MAX Developer.
12. Stop Bath.
13. Fixer.
14. One Minute Wash.
15. Hypo.
16. 5-Minute Running Water Wash.
17. Photo Flo.
18. Drying and Hardening.