Where I’m From.


I am from a nurse’s uniform, from crystal and perfume bottles.

I am from the all tile house, open, comfortable, with the sight of fresh roses.

I am from the apricot tree, the mint leaves.

I am from midnight snacks and the love for animals, from Sandy and the Sumer’s and Satish Chand.

I am from the talkative and loud.

From the TV isn’t a piggy bank and don’t eat the candles.

I am from it’s all in your head, you have to believe for there to be good.

I’m from Sacramento and the Pacific Islands, mangoes and coconut water.

From the grandma who fights with her purse, the cute little hair buns, and the sister’s who give surprises.

I am from photo albums and pictures on the fridge.

From history to making memories.










The title of this song is Make It Stop (September’s Children) by Rise Against.

What I showed in the images is a visual of the lyrics like the same genders symbol, school halls, and a person standing with their shadow. The photoshop skills used were black&white in all 3 images to keep it consistent and the text options.