- Welcome back! I hope everyone had a nice break. It was wonderful seeing the students back in class today. I missed them!
- We leave for Alliance in about a week. Please make sure final payments and on-line registration are taken care of. I sent home medication forms and permission slips today. If you are sending medication with your child to camp the proper paperwork will need to be completed. This will include having a doctors signature on the medical form (even if the medication is over the counter).
Author Archives: castillo
Class Update
- Just a reminder that you can bring Alliance money to the office while we are off track. I sent home balance sheets on Friday.
- Students were given on-line registration information that can also be done while we are off track.
- If you have any questions about Alliance please contact Mr. Linn.
- We return back to school March 6th. Have a wonderful break and I will see everyone in several weeks.
Class Update
- I am sending home Alliance Redwoods account balance sheets today (there is a new due date). Attached to that form there will be information on how to register your student on-line. On Friday I will be sending home handouts about Alliance, including a packing list and other helpful information.
- We will be leaving for camp three weeks after we get back on track. So excited for the students to have this experience. If you have any questions that need to be answered before we come back on track, Mr. Linn (6th grade A track) will be on campus and can help you.
Class Update
- The students will present their Egypt slide shows next week.
- Chapter 8 math test is on Wednesday.
- It sounds like most of our parents went to the informational Albiani meeting last night. If you did not attend, my understanding is that they will have a repeat meeting early February. I heard from a few parents that they did not get an email or letter from Albiani about this meeting. There will be more information coming from them before the end of the year so if you feel you are not getting information from them I would call Albiani directly to get that taken care of. I will not be getting the same information as you and will not be able to totally keep you in the loop.
- We go off track on Friday and come back on track March 6th.
- Have an amazing weekend.
Class Update
Reminder: Albiani Middle School has an informational meeting tonight at 6:00 at Albiani. I hope you have been receiving the emails from them. Your student has a Course Preference Form for you to look over. Please have those forms to me by the 30th. Albiani will be discussing these forms tonight also.
Class Update
Reminder: Albiani Middle School will be coming on Thursday to talk with the students about next year…. yes that’s right the start of middle school is right around the corner!
Class Update
- Since this is my first entry after our break, I wanted to thank you for the thoughtful gifts and cards. My heart is full.
- Grades for the second trimester close next week. AR points and all missing or redone work needs to be turned in by the 15th.
- A letter went out before we went on break about Academic Talent Search testing that would take place Feb. 12th. Sacramento State, the host, will no longer be giving this test. So if you planned on sending your child it now is canceled. In the past, students that qualified, would be invited to take enrichment classes at Sacramento State during the summer. They have now decided to open these courses to everyone. More information to come if you are interested in joining.
- Have a great weekend. I have my son’s water polo tournament that is outdoors and poolside from 5:00 PM until 9:30 PM Saturday night….. Brrrrrr.
Class Update
- We are running out of Kleenex for runny noises. Any donations would be appreciated.
- Our class Christmas Party is on Thursday. Notices have been sent home.
- We will be making Egyptian Death Masks on Tuesday. Each student will have a plaster mold of their face made. Information on what students need to bring for that day have been sent home
- Science Chapter 6 test is on Friday.
Class Update
- I wanted to send out a big thank you to the families that volunteered to join us for Alliance Redwoods. We were only allotted 4 chaperones. I let the students know if you were picked in the lottery or not. I wish we could take everyone but unfortunately that is not the case. Have a wonderful weekend.
- Please read the blog prior to this one. I sent out two for this week.
Class Update
- I am looking for a few brave parents to coordinate and host the holiday party for the class. I can help brainstorm ideas. Please let me know you if you are interested.
- Chapter 6 Science test is on Thursday.