Hello everyone,
I am still coming to terms with what our community, country and world are experiencing. My heart is heavy and at times I have feelings of anxiety, but I am also optimistic that we will overcome this and come out stronger in the end. My belief is adversity cultivates strength. The realization of how important your children has never been more evident to me than right now.
I am waiting to get directives from the district about learning remotely. I am hoping they will have some trainings for us teachers on how and what to teach remotely at some point. There has been no communication to us about that yet. Lots of moving parts to consider for the district.
I have a few pointers that might help. If you go to the Sunrise Facebook site and scroll down, there are links for educational sites that have been recommended. Accelerated reader is also available.
If you really would like to dig in and pinpoint 6th grade standards this is what I would do. Example: look up 6th grade Common Core science standards on the internet. You will see a list of what 6th graders need to learn (for example types of volcanos). Once you have the standard pinpointed look it up on YouTube and have them watch videos on it. If you would rather they read about it, just do a google search on the subject. You could have your student do a google slide project on the standard. They know how to do these. Students can share these with each other on google classroom if they would like to. I would suggest making the slide project about 7 slides long with a nice sized paragraph on each informational slide. Think Central (Go Math) is also available. Khan Academy is a great resource for 6th grade Common Core math standards. I will assign a few Readworks comprehension assignments that the students can access. They have used this site often and all have accounts. Keep in mind these are all optional and will not be apart of their overall grade.
Stay healthy and hug you children for me.