Class Update

  • I have been invited to the Pleasant Grove region “Equity” in education training.  The training will take me out of the classroom for about three Fridays between now and November.  I will make sure to have a highly qualified substitute those days.  I will also be taking this training some evenings after school.  I will be out tomorrow for this training.
  • No school Monday
  • Ancient Artifact presentation is on Thursday.  Thank you for those that have donated $7.00.

Class Up Date

  • We started our first social studies test this week.  We will finish the test on Monday.  Our new social studies curriculum allows students to take a practice test a day or two before on-line.  It is a wonderful study skill tool for our students.  They can access the practice test at home.
  • I have been invited to the Pleasant Grove region “Equity” in education training.  The training will take me out of the classroom for about three Fridays between now and November.  I will make sure to have a highly qualified substitute those days.  I will also be taking this training some evenings after school.
  • We will have our chapter 2 math test on Thursday.



Class Update

  • Keep in mind that students should have 25 AR points by the end of the trimester.  I have noticed that several students have no points at this time.  Hopefully that just means that they are in the middle of a long book.  This will be the same amount of points required each trimester this year.
  • The Sunrise campus will be taking fingerprints of parents that would like to go on field trips or help in the classroom on Aug. 19. From 3:00-4:45 in the MP room.  Call the office for more information.
  • Our first social studies test (chapter 1) will be on Wednesday or Thursday.
  • Have nice weekend.  Stay cool, it’s a hot one out there.

Class Update

  • It has come to my attention that the heading of my blog may say “Mrs. Castillo’s 5th Grade” when in fact it should say, “Mrs. Castillo’s 6th Grade”.  If you  subscribed to my blog last year in 5th grade it may not update the heading to say 6th grade.  There is no way to fix this from my end.  You can however, unsubscribe and then resubscribe to adjust to the correct heading.
  • Math Tests- Tomorrow is our first math test.  Your child took a practice test today.  I will be giving them the answers to the practice test in class before they go home.  I am doing this to help your child utilize the practice test to study from and to have confirmation that they did the problems correct after fixing their mistakes.  Hopefully your student will take this opportunity and us it as a great study guide.  I like to remind them that it’s not about having the right or wrong answer on the practice test redo that determines if they will do well on the real test, it is how well they study their mistakes that will help them have a better outcome on the real test.

Class Update

  • Please be sure to turn in the “Receipt of Information on Parents’ Legal Rights” form.  You will find in the handbook that was just recently mailed to you.
  • If you have any Sentsy or wax air freshener warmers around the house, I would be happy to take them off of your hands.  The class seems to like it when the room smells fresh…. and so do I.
  • Chapter 1 math test is on Wednesday
  • Picture Day is on Wednesday