The organization of works of art. They involve the ways in which the elements of art are arranged ( Balance, contrast, dominance, emphasis, movement, repitation)
Balance- The way in which the elements in visual arts are arranged to create a feeling of equilibrium in a work of art.
both sides are identical
Radial balance- means lines or shapes grow from a center point.
Emphasis- special stress givin to an element to make is work
Difference between two or more elements (value, color, texture) in a composition
Movement- principle of design dealing with the creation of action
inteninol, regular repetition of lines of shapes to achive a specific reptitions
total visual effect in a composition achived byby the carful blending
Dominance- the importance of the emphasis on one aspect in relation to all others
making an element appear to hold a secondary or lesser within work of art
Variation- principle of art concerned with comining one or more elements