8. Writing

Parents often wonder what is appropriate work for a fourth grader?  What does an “A” paper look like in Writing.  First, I need to remind you that an “A” denotes a student working above grade level while a “C” denotes working at grade level.  “A” work would require not only a higher level of organization, but higher vocabulary, varied sentence structure, transitions that help the written piece flow from one sentence to another (and one paragraph to another in multi-paragraph assignments), few if any spelling or grammar mistakes, and the like.

The following link gives information that each student received regarding expectations for the Rate the Story paragraph that will be a frequent assignment this year.   The student copy was not color coded due to printing constraints.  It was instead coded using different fonts. Students were asked to keep this guideline in the Writing section of their binders.  This assignment requires the students to give their opinion and support it with evidence from the story.  This addresses beginning fourth grade level for Writing Standard #1 of the new Common Core State Standards.

Rate the Story Guidelines

This one is color-coded to make it easier to follow. I can’t make color copies on the copier at school so I can’t give this to students.

Rate the Story Guidelines color coded

Here is a full writing process for “The Three Little Pigs” that I went over with students before the assignment was given so they would have an understanding of expectations.

Rate the Story-Steps