The Circle of Blood by Alane Ferguson

The Circle of BloodThis is Alane Ferguson’s third forensic mystery featuring Cameryn Mahoney. Cameryn is an assistant county coroner in Silverton, Colorado working for her father. Cameryn plans to be a forensic scientist when she graduates from high school. Cameryn and her mother, who has just recently returned to Silverton after a long absence, are getting to know one another and working on building a relationship when a mysterious hitch-hiker is found dead. The last person to see the hitch-hiker alive was Cameryn’s mom, Hannah, who gave the young lady a lift. As evidence is uncovered, Cameryn must decide whether to share information that may incriminate her mother.

The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

The Last OlympianBook Five of Percy Jackson and The Olympians series finds Percy and his friends taking on Krono’s army in New York City. Percy and the other young demigods must protect Mount Olympus while the other Olympian gods battle Typhon, another one of Krono’s monsters on the loose. Will the prophecy come true? Read the last book of the series to find out Percy’s fate.
The Lightning Thief (Book One) movie is scheduled for release in February 2010. Read the series before the movie comes out because you know the books is always better than the movie. Check the internet for more information on the movie.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Hunger GamesEvery year, the Capitol requires each district to send to representatives between the ages of twelve to eighteen to play in the Hunger Games. In the Hunger Games the participants fight to the death on national television. When Katniss Everdeen’s younger sister, Prim, gets chosen in the lottery to represent District 12, Katniss steps forward to take her place. But Katniss has skills, she’s been providing for her family for years using the knowledge her father taught her. The Hunger Games is Survivor with an edge!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

knife of never letting goTodd Hewitt is the only boy left in Prentisstown, a town full of men. Prentisstown is a settlement town in the New World where Todd’s mother and father were pioneers in search of a new simple life. But a germ on the planet killed the women of Prentisstown and now all the men hear each others thoughts and the creatures that live on this planet in a never-ending stream of noise. Todd is just a month away from his special birthday. On this birthday, he will become a man. But Prentisstown has been hiding something under all the noise. Something terrible that has Manchee and Todd fleeing Prentisstown for their lives.

Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke

Ink DeathThe final book of the Inkheart trilogy, finds Meggie and her family still in Ink World. Mo is being hunted by the Adderhead, who wants Mo to rebind the book that has given him immortality. The Adderhead is furious over the trick that Mo and Meggie played in Inkspell and is wreaking havoc in Ink World. Fenoglio has lost his control over the story. Mo, as the Bluejay, and the Black Prince try to fend off attacks by the Piper and others sent by Adderhead to capture Mo, Meggie and Resa. Meanwhile, Elinor is stuck in our world wondering what is happening to her loved ones. This is an exciting end to Funke’s extraordinary fantasy

The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery by Nancy Springer

case of the missing marquessEnola Holmes wakes up on her 14th birthday to find her mother missing. Her two older brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft, find clues that suggest Mrs. Holmes has run off and plan to send Enola to boarding school. Enola deciphers clues left for her by her mother and decides to run away herself. On her journey, she gets involved in another mystery involving the missing Marquess of Basilwether, a young boy who’s parents fear has been kidnapped.

Pretties by Scott Westerfield

prettiesPretties continues the story of Tally whom Scott Westerfeld introduced in Uglies. Tally is a pretty and she hopes to join the Crims. The Crims are a group of Pretties who plan and execute edgy tricks to make themselves feel “bubbly”. Her friends, Shay and Peris, are Crims. Does Zane think she has what it takes to become a Crim? Zane plans to let her know at the masquerade bash at the Valentino mansion. While searching for Zane in the mansion, Tally notices she is being followed by someone dressed as a Special. The lurker appears again right as Zane is about let Tally know if she made it into the Crims. Tally leaves Zane in mid sentence and chases after the lurker who has a message for Tally. A message from her ugly past.

The Convicts by Iain Lawrence

convictsTom Tim’s father, Captain Tim, has been taken to debtor’s prison in London because of the debt he owes to the calculating Mr. Goodfellow. His mother has been paralyzed with grief from the loss of his sister, Kitty, in a drowning accident years before and isn’t much help. It is up to Tom to find a way to pay the family’s debt. So Tom leaves home to find away to make things right for his family. Tom finds himself down by the river while contemplating what he should do next, he notices a blind man poking his cane in the mud to find coins. Tom decides to do the same and while walking barefoot in the mud finds a large diamond. The blindman laying claim to the area goes after Tom to get the treasure. Tom fights off the blindman and loses him on the streets. There he meets Worms who gives him a ride in exchange for some help with a job and a small payment. Worms is a grave robber and he needs help stealing a body. A body that turns out to be a dead ringer for Tom. In a rush to escape being caught at the grave, Tom leaves his coat with the diamond in the pocket. Events in the story escalate with Tom getting accused of murder and continually getting mistaken for someone called “Smasher”. Who is Smasher and why won’t anyone believe his story? How will he get out of this mess?

The Fairy-Tale Detectives by Michael Buckley

fairy-tale detectivesThe Fairy-Tale Detectives is the first book in a series about the Sisters Grimm. Sabrina and Daphne Grimm have been shuffled around from foster home to foster home and back and forth to an orphanage after their parents just disappeared. Ms. Smirt, their caseworker, delivers the girls to a woman claiming to be Grandma Grimm. Sabrina, the eldest, is skeptical that this woman is her grandmother because her father never talked about her. Daphne likes the kind but strange old woman who takes them to live with her, Mr. Canis (her assistant) and a Great Dane named Elvis. The town of Ferryport Landing isn’t like most towns and Grandma Grimm has lots of rules, secrets and locked rooms in her home, weird things happen around the house, and odd people keep visiting Relda Grimm. Grandma Grimm informs the girls that they are the descendants of the Brothers Grimm, the ones who wrote the fairy-tales and they are not tales but true incidents. Now Sabrina believes that the old woman is crazy and decides to run away from Ferryport Landing the first chance they get.

The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

titan's curseThe Oracle spoke:  “Five shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunter combined prevail, The Titan’s curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.”

Percy Jackson’s best friend, Annabeth, is missing after a recent quest. The goddess, Artemis has dissappeared.  Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo, hunters, join Grover and Thalia on a quest to fulfill the Oracle’s prophecy.  Percy has been ordered to stay behind.  But, it wouldn’t be a story about Percy if he followed orders, now would it?

Rick Riordan’s third in the series about the Olympians, is a great read.  Which one of the three books is your favorite?