This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer

this world we live in Book 3 of the Last Survivors series begins one year since a meteor hit the moon knocking it closer to the Earth causing tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other severe weather changes.  Miranda Evans and her family has survived in Pennsylvania but food is scarce and the weather is freezing.  Ash from the volcanic eruptions has blocked out the sun.  Life for the Evans family has changed.  They forage for food from the houses around them.  Her two brothers travel for two days on bikes to fish in the river.  Miranda’s mother tries to keep things stable and normal by keeping up everyday rountines, but they are struggling to survive.  Then Miranda’s father and step-mother arrive with four others including their newborn son, Gabriel.  Now there are more mouths to feed.  Alex Morales (from The Dead and the Gone) is one of the new additions to their family.  Miranda finds herself attracted to Alex.  Read Miranda’s diary to find out how they all survive and what develops between Alex and Miranda.

Feed by M.T. Anderson

feedTitus and his friends all have “feeds”. Feeds are brain implants which are connected to a computer network that runs 24/7 advertising everything Titus and his friends would ever want or need. Titus and his friends no longer have to speak verbally with one another. They communicate telepathically. The “feed” keeps everyone occupied and compliant. On a trip to the moon with his friends, Titus meets Violet. There’s something different about Violet that catches Titus’s attention. Violet has an older feed and has been home-schooled by her father who is a professor. When Violet contracts a virus that causes her feed to fail, she comes out fighting against the feed leaving Titus with a decision to make. Should he join Violet’s rebellion?

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Hunger GamesEvery year, the Capitol requires each district to send to representatives between the ages of twelve to eighteen to play in the Hunger Games. In the Hunger Games the participants fight to the death on national television. When Katniss Everdeen’s younger sister, Prim, gets chosen in the lottery to represent District 12, Katniss steps forward to take her place. But Katniss has skills, she’s been providing for her family for years using the knowledge her father taught her. The Hunger Games is Survivor with an edge!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

knife of never letting goTodd Hewitt is the only boy left in Prentisstown, a town full of men. Prentisstown is a settlement town in the New World where Todd’s mother and father were pioneers in search of a new simple life. But a germ on the planet killed the women of Prentisstown and now all the men hear each others thoughts and the creatures that live on this planet in a never-ending stream of noise. Todd is just a month away from his special birthday. On this birthday, he will become a man. But Prentisstown has been hiding something under all the noise. Something terrible that has Manchee and Todd fleeing Prentisstown for their lives.

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson

saving the worldSaving the World and Other Extreme Sports is James Patterson’s third book in the Maximum Ride Series. Max and her flock are genentically-altered humans that have wings. Yes, they can fly and each of these extraordingay kids as other powers. They are on the run from their enemies, evil scientists who want to control the world. Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, Angel and her talking dog, Total set out to save the world from the over-zealous scientists. Max struggles with trust issues. This third installment is action-packed. Check out the whole series: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, School’s Out Forever and The Final Warning.

Pretties by Scott Westerfield

prettiesPretties continues the story of Tally whom Scott Westerfeld introduced in Uglies. Tally is a pretty and she hopes to join the Crims. The Crims are a group of Pretties who plan and execute edgy tricks to make themselves feel “bubbly”. Her friends, Shay and Peris, are Crims. Does Zane think she has what it takes to become a Crim? Zane plans to let her know at the masquerade bash at the Valentino mansion. While searching for Zane in the mansion, Tally notices she is being followed by someone dressed as a Special. The lurker appears again right as Zane is about let Tally know if she made it into the Crims. Tally leaves Zane in mid sentence and chases after the lurker who has a message for Tally. A message from her ugly past.