Into the Dark by Peter Abrahams

Into the Dark Amateur sleuth Ingrid Levin-Hill and her friend Joey Strade happen upon a body on her grandfather’s property while snowshoeing. Things get worse as Grampy is charged with murder and other family issues surface. Ingrid faces her biggest challenge yet working to clear her grandfather’s name in this third Echo Falls Mystery.

Chasing the Jaguar by Michele Dominguez Greene

Chasing the JaguarFifteen-year-old Martika Galvez has been having strange, vivid dreams about a jaguar and the jungle. Then she has another experience that sends tingles down her spine. One Saturday when helping her mother, Aurelia, clean a big house in Pacific Palisades, Markita picks up a bracelet she finds on the floor in one of the rooms she is cleaning. A vision flashes before her eyes and she drops the bracelet. “What is happening to me?” Markita agonizes. After her quinceanera, Markita and her mother, Aurelia, are called to Ted Colton’s house. His daughter has been kidnapped and Ted is contacting anyone who might have come in contact with her. Does this have to do with the visions and dreams Markita’s been having?

Read Chasing the Jaguar to see how this Los Angeles mystery is solved!

The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan

39 cluesThe Cahill family has gathered in the Great Hall for the reading of the will of its matriarch, Grace Cahill. Grace gives her last instructions to her family via a previously taped video. She offers them each a million dollars or 39 clues which lead to a secret that will make the individual or team that finds it the “most powerful and influential human beings on the planet”. Dan and Amy Cahill loved their grandmother Grace and miss her greatly. They know that she was secretly training them for this mission but they must pit their wits against other more savvy members of their family to find the clues.

The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery by Nancy Springer

case of the missing marquessEnola Holmes wakes up on her 14th birthday to find her mother missing. Her two older brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft, find clues that suggest Mrs. Holmes has run off and plan to send Enola to boarding school. Enola deciphers clues left for her by her mother and decides to run away herself. On her journey, she gets involved in another mystery involving the missing Marquess of Basilwether, a young boy who’s parents fear has been kidnapped.

Cover-up by John Feinstein

cover-upStevie Thomas and Susan Carol Robinson, teen journalists, get an opportunity of a life time to cover the Super Bowl in Indianapolis. Susan Carol will be covering the event for Kid Sports on USTV while Stevie recently fired by USTV will be covering the Super Bowl for the Washington Herald. This is the duo’s third adventure together. In Last Shot, they covered the Final Four and in Vanishing Act they covered the U.S. Open. Trouble seems to follow the pair wherever they go, and it isn’t any different at the Super Bowl. Susan Carol soon uncovers some information that will make national news and ruin careers. Information that certain people will do anything to keep out of the papers.