The Humming of Numbers by Joni Sensel

humming of numbersAiden, a novice monk, is assigned the task of overseeing Lana, the lord’s illegitimate daughter, who has come to the monastery to work and live as she is no longer welcome in the village. Aiden has a special gift. He can hear numbers from living things. Different people produce different numbers. Lana’s number is a eleven and Aiden has never heard a eleven before. Since Aiden has met Lana, he is questioning his upcoming vows. When Vikings attack their Irish village, Aiden and Lana must step up to help their families.

Cracker! The Best Dog in Vietnam by Cynthia Kadohata

crackerWhen Willie Stetson finds out he can’t keep his beloved German shepherd in his new apartment, he decides to give Firecracker to the United States Army. Cracker is paired with Rick Hanski, her handler, and together they train to become part of the Scout Dog platoon destined for Vietnam. After a slow start Cracker and Rick become a great team, pass their training and ship out to Vietnam. In Vietnam, Cracker and Rick head out on different missions where Cracker alerts the team of booby-traps and the enemy. Both Rick and Cracker experience the intensity of warfare but they help each other through.

The Convicts by Iain Lawrence

convictsTom Tim’s father, Captain Tim, has been taken to debtor’s prison in London because of the debt he owes to the calculating Mr. Goodfellow. His mother has been paralyzed with grief from the loss of his sister, Kitty, in a drowning accident years before and isn’t much help. It is up to Tom to find a way to pay the family’s debt. So Tom leaves home to find away to make things right for his family. Tom finds himself down by the river while contemplating what he should do next, he notices a blind man poking his cane in the mud to find coins. Tom decides to do the same and while walking barefoot in the mud finds a large diamond. The blindman laying claim to the area goes after Tom to get the treasure. Tom fights off the blindman and loses him on the streets. There he meets Worms who gives him a ride in exchange for some help with a job and a small payment. Worms is a grave robber and he needs help stealing a body. A body that turns out to be a dead ringer for Tom. In a rush to escape being caught at the grave, Tom leaves his coat with the diamond in the pocket. Events in the story escalate with Tom getting accused of murder and continually getting mistaken for someone called “Smasher”. Who is Smasher and why won’t anyone believe his story? How will he get out of this mess?

Incantation by Alice Hoffman

incantationSixteen-year-old Estrella DeMadrigal writes, “I thought I knew the world. I thought I knew myself. I thought I knew my dearest friend. But I knew nothing at all.” Estrella’s life is changing. The fervor of the Spanish Inquistion has reached Encaleflora, her beautiful village in Aragon. Estrella witnesses the flames of persecution spark in the Plaza one day, as soldiers burn the books of an old Jewish man, and then beat him. Soon the evil flames are burning out of control; pitting neighbor against neighbor, bringing fear and deception to the once beautiful village. Amid this turmoil, Estrella discovers a dangerous secret.