The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

The Last OlympianBook Five of Percy Jackson and The Olympians series finds Percy and his friends taking on Krono’s army in New York City. Percy and the other young demigods must protect Mount Olympus while the other Olympian gods battle Typhon, another one of Krono’s monsters on the loose. Will the prophecy come true? Read the last book of the series to find out Percy’s fate.
The Lightning Thief (Book One) movie is scheduled for release in February 2010. Read the series before the movie comes out because you know the books is always better than the movie. Check the internet for more information on the movie.

The Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu

shadow thievesCharlotte’s cousin Zachary is coming from “across the pond” to live with her family. Zee, as he is called, is an outgoing, talented soccer player. He fits right into life at her high school. He fits in better than Charlotte. But the students are getting sick at school. Zee shares that it happened at his school in London and Charlotte begins to wonder what is going on. When two strange looking men attack Charlotte and Zee, Mr. Metos, their English teacher, intervenes. Charlotte and Zee share their suspicions with Mr. Metos. Mr. Metos warns them of the shadow thieves and confirms their suspicions. Soon Charlotte and Zee find themselves swept up in a plot to overthrow Hades in the Underworld.

If you enjoy Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympian series, you should find The Cronus Chronicles entertaining as well.

The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

titan's curseThe Oracle spoke:  “Five shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunter combined prevail, The Titan’s curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.”

Percy Jackson’s best friend, Annabeth, is missing after a recent quest. The goddess, Artemis has dissappeared.  Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo, hunters, join Grover and Thalia on a quest to fulfill the Oracle’s prophecy.  Percy has been ordered to stay behind.  But, it wouldn’t be a story about Percy if he followed orders, now would it?

Rick Riordan’s third in the series about the Olympians, is a great read.  Which one of the three books is your favorite?