Bliss by Lauren Myracle

blissBliss In The Morning Dew, who has been raised in a commune, finds herself living with her proper Southern grandmother when her parents skip out to Canada to avoid the Vietnam War. Bliss’s grandmother has enrolled Bliss in the prestigous Crestview Academy for high school. But Crestview has a history and Bliss with her sixth sense hears and feels an evil ghostly presence in one particular school building. Bliss’s new friends have a history too. Bliss, set in the ’60s, brings together many issues of the time, as the tale gets creepier and creepier.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

graveyardA young toddler wanders away from his home during the night as a killer has murdered his family. He toddles up the street to the old graveyard with the killer on his trail. The residents of the graveyard sensing danger, hide the toddler from the killer and raise him. Nobody (Bod) Owens has the protection of the graveyard and its residents. The ghosts assign Bod parents and guardians, who teach him what they know and keep him away from the killer who is still searching for Bod. The Graveyard Book is a magical and thrilling read. Come check it out.

Wait Till Helen Comes by Mary Downing Hahn

Wait Till Helen ComesWhen Molly and Michael’s mom remarries and they have to move with her new husband, Dave and his daughter Heather to the country, they are not overjoyed. This has spoiled their summer plans with friends. Living in the country is boring compared to the big city but they try to make the best of the situation by exploring their new environment. The family’s new home is an old coverted church which comes with its own graveyard. Molly notices a change in Heather’s behavior after a visit to the graveyard and the discovery of a small tombstone. Strange things begin to happen around the house and Heather blames both Michael and Molly. Tensions begin to rip the family apart. Heather continues to manipulate the adults and threaten her new siblings with “Wait till Helen comes!”

The Old Willis Place by Mary Downing Hahn

old willis placeDiana and Georgie watch from the shadows of the woods as the new caretaker, his daughter and dog move into the trailer on Oak Hill Manor. Diana knows that caretakers never stay long because the Old Willis Place, as Oak Hill Manor is more commonly known, is haunted. But Diana decides to make friends with Lissa Morrison, the caretaker’s daughter, even if means breaking all the rules.