The Shadow Thieves by Anne Ursu

shadow thievesCharlotte’s cousin Zachary is coming from “across the pond” to live with her family. Zee, as he is called, is an outgoing, talented soccer player. He fits right into life at her high school. He fits in better than Charlotte. But the students are getting sick at school. Zee shares that it happened at his school in London and Charlotte begins to wonder what is going on. When two strange looking men attack Charlotte and Zee, Mr. Metos, their English teacher, intervenes. Charlotte and Zee share their suspicions with Mr. Metos. Mr. Metos warns them of the shadow thieves and confirms their suspicions. Soon Charlotte and Zee find themselves swept up in a plot to overthrow Hades in the Underworld.

If you enjoy Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympian series, you should find The Cronus Chronicles entertaining as well.

Vampirates: Blood Captain by Jason Somper

VampiratesTwins, Connor and Grace Tempest, continue their adventures in the third book of the Vampirates series, Blood Captain. Grace, along with the Captain and other members of The Nocturne, takes blinded Lorcan to the Santuary in hope of a cure for his failing health. While at the Santuary, Grace meets interesting characters, learns more about her healing abilities and struggles with her place in the vampirate world. Meanwhile, Connor aboard the pirate ship, The Diablo, prepares for an exciting mission that will test his commitment to his life as a pirate. Twists and surprises will keep pages turning in this thrilling adventure.

The 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan

39 cluesThe Cahill family has gathered in the Great Hall for the reading of the will of its matriarch, Grace Cahill. Grace gives her last instructions to her family via a previously taped video. She offers them each a million dollars or 39 clues which lead to a secret that will make the individual or team that finds it the “most powerful and influential human beings on the planet”. Dan and Amy Cahill loved their grandmother Grace and miss her greatly. They know that she was secretly training them for this mission but they must pit their wits against other more savvy members of their family to find the clues.

The Convicts by Iain Lawrence

convictsTom Tim’s father, Captain Tim, has been taken to debtor’s prison in London because of the debt he owes to the calculating Mr. Goodfellow. His mother has been paralyzed with grief from the loss of his sister, Kitty, in a drowning accident years before and isn’t much help. It is up to Tom to find a way to pay the family’s debt. So Tom leaves home to find away to make things right for his family. Tom finds himself down by the river while contemplating what he should do next, he notices a blind man poking his cane in the mud to find coins. Tom decides to do the same and while walking barefoot in the mud finds a large diamond. The blindman laying claim to the area goes after Tom to get the treasure. Tom fights off the blindman and loses him on the streets. There he meets Worms who gives him a ride in exchange for some help with a job and a small payment. Worms is a grave robber and he needs help stealing a body. A body that turns out to be a dead ringer for Tom. In a rush to escape being caught at the grave, Tom leaves his coat with the diamond in the pocket. Events in the story escalate with Tom getting accused of murder and continually getting mistaken for someone called “Smasher”. Who is Smasher and why won’t anyone believe his story? How will he get out of this mess?

Code Orange by Caroline B. Cooney

code orangeMr. Lynch’s science research assignment on contagious diseases requires that students use at least four books.
“Books?” questions Mitty Blake. “Nobody uses books anymore. They’re useless, especially in science. Facts change too fast.” But Mr. Lynch wants students to use books for their report and not rely totally on the Internet. Mitty, a master procrastinator and slacker when in comes to school assignments, finds himself in a jam because he doesn’t have any books on smallpox and it’s the weekend and he’s at his family’s vacation home without access to book stores or libraries AND he has to show Mr. Lynch the books he’s using tomorrow. So Mitty decides to use some of the antique medical books his mom uses for her interior decorating business. When he opens Principles of Contagious Disease, printed in Boston in 1899, Mitty is skeptical that he will find any useful information. Within the book he finds an envelope and hand-written upon the envelope in fountain pen ink is the label “Scabs–VM epidemic, 1902, Boston”. Mitty opens the envelope, handles the some fragile scabs which crumble in his finger tips, and rubs his itchy nose. Has Mitty just infected himself with variola major, an airborn virus? Will he be the new Typhoid Mary of New York City? Code Orange will keep you turning pages to find out what will happen to Mitty, his parents, his friends and classmates and New York City.

Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean by Jason Somper

vampirates demons of the seaVampirates: Demons of the Ocean follows the story of the fourteen-year-old Tempest twins, Connor and Grace, as they make their way in the world. When their father dies, they leave their lighthouse home to get away from their only choices: an orphanage or adoption by an uncaring couple. They steal their father’s boat and head out to sea. When a violent storm capsizes their boat, Grace and Connor are separated. Connor is rescued by pirates and Grace is rescued by a mysterious ship with a ghastly crew.

Follow up this adventure with the sequel, Vampirates: Tide of Terror. Connor considers joining the Pirate Academy while Grace struggles with visions of the Vampirate ship and her connection to Lorcan.

If you like The Pirates of the Caribbean movies, you should enjoy the Vampirates series.

The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

titan's curseThe Oracle spoke:  “Five shall go west to the goddess in chains, One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunter combined prevail, The Titan’s curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.”

Percy Jackson’s best friend, Annabeth, is missing after a recent quest. The goddess, Artemis has dissappeared.  Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo, hunters, join Grover and Thalia on a quest to fulfill the Oracle’s prophecy.  Percy has been ordered to stay behind.  But, it wouldn’t be a story about Percy if he followed orders, now would it?

Rick Riordan’s third in the series about the Olympians, is a great read.  Which one of the three books is your favorite?