Graceling by Kristin Cashore

GracelingKatsa has a grace as is evident in her eyes. Each of her eyes has a different color. Katsa has been graced with superior fighting skills and her Uncle Randa uses Kasta as his enforcer in the kindgom of Middluns (one of the seven kingdoms.) Working as King Randa’s enforcer bothers Katsa to her very core, so she and her team of four friends have formed an underground network called The Council that fights for the underdog throughout the Seven Kingdoms. On a secret mission for the Council, Katsa and her team rescue an elderly Lienid who has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner in King Murgon of Sunder’s dungeon. It is during this rescue, Katsa battles a graced Lienid whose skills are close to her own. This encounter spins Katsa’s life in a different direction. Read Graceling to follow Katsa’s amazing journey.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Hunger GamesEvery year, the Capitol requires each district to send to representatives between the ages of twelve to eighteen to play in the Hunger Games. In the Hunger Games the participants fight to the death on national television. When Katniss Everdeen’s younger sister, Prim, gets chosen in the lottery to represent District 12, Katniss steps forward to take her place. But Katniss has skills, she’s been providing for her family for years using the knowledge her father taught her. The Hunger Games is Survivor with an edge!

Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports by James Patterson

saving the worldSaving the World and Other Extreme Sports is James Patterson’s third book in the Maximum Ride Series. Max and her flock are genentically-altered humans that have wings. Yes, they can fly and each of these extraordingay kids as other powers. They are on the run from their enemies, evil scientists who want to control the world. Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, Angel and her talking dog, Total set out to save the world from the over-zealous scientists. Max struggles with trust issues. This third installment is action-packed. Check out the whole series: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment, School’s Out Forever and The Final Warning.

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz

stormbreaker“…a car accident…called the ambulance…intensive care…nothing anyone could do…so sorry.” The voices of the police at the door at three in the morning drift up the stairs to Alex as he listens from his bedroom door. Ian Rider, his uncle and the only parent he ever knew, is dead. But circumstances of his death don’t sit right with Alex. Ian Rider, a banker, always wore his seat belt and he made sure Alex wore his; but he wasn’t wearing one the night of the accident according to the police. Then when Alex returns from the funeral to see a Stryker & Son moving van pulling out of their home and discovers Ian’s upstairs office is empty, Alex decides to do some investigating on his own. He locates Ian Rider’s BMW at J. B. Stryker Auto Wreckers and discovers the driver’s side has been riddled with bullets. After narrowly escaping danger in the wrecking yard, Alex is summoned to the Royal & General Bank, where Alex learns that Ian Rider was not a banker but a spy for the British Intelligence Agency, MI6. Ian was undercover on a case investigating the release of the Stormbreaker computer when he was killed and MI6 needs Alex Rider’s help to finish the job.