Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover by Ally Carter

Don't Judge a GirlThis is the third book in the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter.  (I’d Tell You I Love You, Then I’d Have to Kill You and Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy)  Cammie Morgan is thrilled to be in Boston with her roommate Macey as Macey’s father announces his candidacy for vice-president of the United States.  This perfect end to summer vacation is ruined when masked figures drop from a hovering helicopter and try to kidnap Macey.  Cammie and Macey use all their super spy skills learned at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women (a school for young spys) to ward off the attack by the kidnappers barely escaping with their lives. Back at the Gallagher Academy, Cammie join forces with roomates, Bex and Liz, to keep Macey safe.  To keep Macey safe, they must find out who was behind the kidnapping attempt and hope that  the Gallagher Academy’s security will be able to protect Macey from further attempts. Join Cammie the Chameleon and her friends as they use their spy skills to solve this mystery while trying to keep the Gallagher Academy’s secrets from the outside world.

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