I Am Still Alive by Kate Alice Marshall

Jess’s father whom she hasn’t seen since she was four has been located.  Jess has been in foster care since the death of her mom, and she is recovering from her injuries.  She’s getting stronger every day but her leg is still weak and she walks with a limp.  Jess is on her way to Alaska to live with her father.  Her father is a wilderness buff; a guy who loves the wide-open spaces. But when Griff, her dad’s friend who picks her up at the airport and instead flies her to a remote, off-grid location in Canadian wilderness to reconnect with her dad, Jess has second thoughts.  She’s not too thrilled with living with her dad and his dog, Bo.  No school.  No television. No phone.  Just the lake, the cabin, and the great outdoors.  Her dad strikes a deal to take her back to civilization in the summer. In the meantime, he will teach Jess how to survive a winter in their little piece of the Canadian wilderness. Unfortunately, her dad’s past catches up with him, and Jess is must learn to survive on her own in the Canadian wilderness.

Greta’s Story: The Schoolgirl Who Went on Strike to Save the Planet by Valentina Camerini

This is an unofficial biography of Greta Thunberg who went on a school strike to save the planet.  Very concerned about climate change, Greta is determined to make a difference.  Every Friday, she skips school to strike in front of her country’s parliament building in Stockholm, Sweden.  What began as a solo movement turned into a world movement with the help of social media.  Fridays for Future or  School Strike 4 Climate have millions of followers and members. Greta spoke at the United Nations and was recently named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.