Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu


Gotham City’s rich and famous are falling to the deadly Nightwalker gang.  Bruce Wayne celebrates his eighteenth birthday and inherits his family fortune.  Bruce leaves his charity celebrity birthday bash, and ends up in a car chase where he stops a member of the Nightwalker gang by interfering with a police pursuit.  The young Wayne is sentenced to community service at the Arkham Asylum where he meets the dangerous but captivating Madeleine Wallace.  Wallace doesn’t open up for the toughest of police interrogators but she makes contact with Bruce as he mops the prison halls.  Why?  Batman Nightwalker is a dark, action-packed mystery.  What is the agenda of the Nightwalker gang and how is Madeleine Wallace connected?  Bruce Wayne needs to get to the center of what is going on to save Gotham City!


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