Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo

Princess Diana hopes to prove herself as a true Amazon warrior joining the ranks of her mother, Hippolyta and Tek.  When a boat explodes outside the boundary of Themyscira, Diana follows her gut, breaks Amazon law, and rescues Alia Keralis.  Suddenly, life is thrown in to turmoil on the island.  Seeking advice from the Oracle, Diana is told that Alia is a warbringer, and she must die or she will bring destruction to their world.  But Diana feels that there must be another way to save Alia and save both their worlds from death and destruction. So she asks the Oracle her final question, and the answer given sends the girls on a dangerous quest.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Starr Carter and her friend Kahlil leave a neighborhood party when things start to get out of hand.  Not far from the party, the two are pulled over by a white police officer.  While being questioned by the officer, Kahlil leans in the car to check on Starr.  The officer believing that Kahlil has a weapon shoots and kills the unarmed Kahlil in front of Starr. After the shock of the incident starts to dissipate, Starr finds herself facing decisions of whether to keep quiet to protect herself and her family or to speak up to honor Kahlil.


The Playbook: 52Rules to Aim, Shoot, and Score in This Game Called Life by Kwame Alexander

“There is no magic to achievement.  It’s really about hard work, choices, and persistence.”–Michelle Obama

Kwame Alexander provides inspiration for life through quotes from notable sports figures and other important figures combined with great graphics and photographs.  Alexander shares personal stories of triumph and disappointment focusing on the learning experiences from mistakes and defeat to grow and prepare for what comes next.  He also shares stories of athletes who overcame great obstacles to rise to the top of their sport.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.” –Oprah Winfrey