Shipwrecked! by Rhoda Blumberg

Shipwrecked! shares the adventures of Manjiro Nakahama who in 1841, as a fourteen-year-old fisherman, was shipwrecked along with four other fishermen on the desolate island of Torishima. After five months of surviving on the island, they were rescued by the American whaling ship, the John Howland. Because of Japan’s strict laws that isolated its people from the rest of the world, the Americans could not return Manjiro home. The highly-intelligent Manjiro spent his teens and young adult life learning about the customs and culture of the United States and the other countries he visited while working on whaling ships. Manjiro always hoped to return home to his family and share what he learned with the government of Japan, but Japanese’s laws condemned travelers from overseas to death. Manjiro lived an amazing life. Shipwrecked! contains maps, illustrations, and photographs of Manjiro’s travels.

Boy 21 by Matthew Quick

Finley McManus is a quiet Irish American who escapes his dismal environment of Bellmont by focussing on his love of basketball and his basketball-playing girlfriend, Erin.  The only white player on his high school varsity basketball team, Finley works with determination during the off-season to be in the best condition for the team.  Finley lives with his dad and grandfather, and assists with his disabled grandfather’s care when his father works the night shift. Finley and Erin’s plan to work hard to get scholarships to get out of Bellmont away from the Irish mob and the other negative aspects of their hometown seems to be on track until Coach asks Finley to befriend Russ Allen and keep his secret.  Russ Allen, the former high school basketball phenom from California, refers to himself as Boy 21.  Russ believes he is an alien and not long for this world.  Coach has instructed Finley to get Boy 21 ready for the upcoming basketball season, but the problem is Boy 21 plays the same position as Finley.