Cinder by Marissa Meyer


Cinder works as a mechanic in the New Beijing market.  Her ability to fix broken androids,  tablets and other devices makes her the most sought after mechanic in the market. Her gift is also her curse.  She has developed her gift because as a cyborg she has to keep her mechanical parts in good repair.  Cyborgs are looked down upon society, and Cinder’s stepmother lets Cinder know constantly what a burden she is to the family. But it is Cinder’s stellar reputation as a mechanic that brings Prince Kai to her booth seeking repairs for his broken android which he needs fixed before the annual ball.  Cinder’s promise to repair the android for Prince Kai is put on hold when Peony, Cinder’s stepsister, is infected with the deadly plague that kills hundreds yearly. Cinder will do anything in her power to help Peony, and she will have to because her stepmother, Adri, volunteers Cinder for plague research.