Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein

“Verity”, a British spy in Nazi-occupied Ormaie, France, finds herself captured by the Gestapo. The Nazi interrogaters give her a choice to give them information or visit the guillotine.  Verity chooses the first option and in writing to reveal her secret mission, she weaves a story of her friendship with Maddie.  Maddie, the pilot, who flew Verity to France.  Maddie whose piloting skills kept the plane from crashing after the tailplane was hit from gun fire from the ground.  Maddie who was able to get Verity to Ormaie and keep the plane steady while Verity parchuted to the secret location. Verity, like Scheherazade, gives the Nazis a wonderful tale in the details of her secret mission which prolong her life.  But will her tale be enough to insure her survival?