The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan

Throne of FireThis sequel to The Red Pyramid finds Sophie and Carter Kane on another hero’s quest to save the ways of Ancient Egypt.  Apophis, the Chaos snake, threatens to break free of his prison.  The magicians of the House of Life do not trust the Kanes.  Sadie and Carter with the aid of their Uncle Amos,  Bast and Bes (the Egyptain gods), and many newly trained magicians from the Brooklyn House, must find a way to bring the sun god, Ra, out of retirement.  Only Ra can to bring balance to our world. This will not be an easy task since the majority of Egyptian gods and the majority of the magicians in nomes all over the world oppose this action. Needless  to say, Sadie and Carter will have to use every ounce of magic they know to complete this quest.  Narrated by Sadie and Carter, The Throne of Fire, is an adventure not to be missed.

The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

the dead tossed wavesThis book is a sequel to The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Gabry lives by the sea in a lighthouse with her mother, Mary, in Vista.  It is Mary’s job to kill the Mudo (zombies) as they wash up on the beach.  Gabry has lived a secure, safe life in Vista behind the Barrier that keeps the unconsecrated out of their town.  One night Gabry, her best friend, Cira and Cira’s brother, Catcher join other teens beyond the Barrier in the abandoned amusement park for a night of thrills and wreckless abandonment. Never one to break the rules,  an apprehensive Gabry begins to relax with encouragement from Catcher.  The chemistry between Catcher and Gabry builds when suddenly a breaker (a Mudo that moves with speed) attacks the group,  and their young lives change forever.  Gabry makes it back over the barrier unharmed  and unnoticed but others from her party aren’t so lucky. Some are captured by the Militia.  Some are attacked and bitten by the breaker, while others’ fate is unknown.  Now Gabry must break all the rules to help her friends, including a journey through the forest of hands and teeth to keep them safe