The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

The Wee Free MenStrange things are happening in the Chalk where Tiffany Aching lives with her family.  Just the other day, when Tiffany was down at the river with her toddler brother, Wentworth, she noticed two tiny men covered with blue tattoos wearing kilts rowing a boat about the size of a half a coconut shell.  One of them shouted at her,”Crivens! Gang awa’ oot o’here, ye daft wee hinny! ‘Ware the green heid!”  And with that they speed away, rowing as fast as they could into the reeds.  Suddenly, everything seemed blurred, the air fizzed and the water bubbled as it grew darker, greener and deeper. As the water boiled, Tiffany ran for Wentworth on the beach, snatching him up just as a green-haired creature shot out of the water and scraped the beach with its claws right where Wentworth had been.  Yes, strange things were happening indeed!  So when Wentworth is kidnapped by an elfin queen, this young witch-to-be becomes allies with the Wee Free Men (the little blue tattooed, kilt-wearing men).  Together they set off to Fairyland to rescue Wentworth and bring him back home.

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