going bovine by Libba Bray

going bovine
Cameron Smith is a minimalist. That is to say, he is cruising through high school and life doing a little as possible. When Cameron experiences some strange events, and his bizarre behavior sends  him to the principal.  His parents seek the help of several doctors. One of which diagnoses Cameron with Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease, more popularly known as mad cow disease. Cam is going to die. But Cameron is given hope by Dulcie, an angel. The information Dulcie gives Cameron about a possible cure sends Cameron on a quest for Dr. X. Joining him on his quest are Gonzo, a dwarf and smothered mama’s boy, and Balder, a garden gnome. Cam and his buddies set out on a road trip from Texas to Florida in search of Dr. X and Cameron’s cure and find  adventure along the way.