The Forest of Hands and Teeth by

forest of hands and teeth
Mary lives in a village protected by a fence and surrounded by the Forest of Hands and Teeth. The Unconsecrated, who live in the forest, hunger for the humans of the village. The village is on constant alert to fend off attacks from these undead. Mary is in love with Travis, but it is his brother and her childhood friend, that asks for her hand in marriage. Circumstances change and Mary is thrust into the care of the Sisterhood, a group of nuns who have great power in the village and hide some terrible secrets. Mary is up against some difficult choices, when life as she knows it abruptly changes sending her into the Forest of Hands and Teeth.

Chasing the Jaguar by Michele Dominguez Greene

Chasing the JaguarFifteen-year-old Martika Galvez has been having strange, vivid dreams about a jaguar and the jungle. Then she has another experience that sends tingles down her spine. One Saturday when helping her mother, Aurelia, clean a big house in Pacific Palisades, Markita picks up a bracelet she finds on the floor in one of the rooms she is cleaning. A vision flashes before her eyes and she drops the bracelet. “What is happening to me?” Markita agonizes. After her quinceanera, Markita and her mother, Aurelia, are called to Ted Colton’s house. His daughter has been kidnapped and Ted is contacting anyone who might have come in contact with her. Does this have to do with the visions and dreams Markita’s been having?

Read Chasing the Jaguar to see how this Los Angeles mystery is solved!