Poison by Chris Wooding

poisonPoison lives in the village of Gull in the heart of the Black Marsh with her father, step-mother and baby sister, Azalea. When the Scarecrow steals Azalea on Soulswatch Eve and leaves a changeling in her place, Poison consults Fleet, a wise old man in the village, about leaving the village and traveling to the Realm of the Phaeries to bring her sister back. Fleet gives her infromation and finds her a ride out of Gull with Bram, the wraith-cather. And so their journey begins, once upon a time.

Poison is not your average fairy tale. It is a much darker. If you like the Harry Potter series or books by Cornelia Funke, you might want to give Chris Wooding’s books a try.

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson

3 cups of teaAs he returns from an unsuccessful climb of Mt. Everest, Greg Mortenson becomes lost in Afghanistan and wanders in to the village of Korphe. Here Mortensen meets Haji Ali. Ali’s family takes care of Mortenson and finds him a way back to Pakistan. Before he leaves the little village of Korphe and Ali’s hospitality, Mortenson promises to return and build the village a school. This promise will change Mortenson’s life forever.

One Child by Torey Hayden

one childAuthor Torey Hayden teaches specials needs students at her public school. It’s a new school year and her students are doing well and getting along. That is until six-year-old Sheila arrives. Sheila’s violent and unpredictable behavior sets the class on edge and it is up to Torey to break through Sheila’s tough exterior. Sheila has issues. Sheila was abandoned on the side of a road by her mother and is now being raised by her alcoholic father. She is one angry little girl. If you enjoy books by David Pelzer such as A Child Called It, then you might try this one

California Blue by David Klass

california blueJohn Rodgers loves to run. On one of his runs through the redwood forest of his small California town, John notices a beautiful blue butterfly. Later in Biology class, John discovers that the butterfly is an endangered species. The butterfly’s habitat is threatened by the local logging industry. This pits environmentalists against the locals, and John is right in the middle.

Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilber Murdock

diary queenDJ lives and works on her family’s dairy farm. She has spent the summer running the farm while her dad recovered from an operation. A football coach friend of her father’s loaned the family the services of Brian Nelson, the cute quarterback from Hawley High. Brian helps DJ with work around the farm and she, in turn, helps him train. DJ knows football. Her two older brothers are attending college on football scholarships and her dad is a former coach. Training Brian and all the hard work on the farm has DJ in great shape, so DJ decides to try out for the Red Bend team. A girl trying out for the football team! DJ is the talk of Red Bend.

Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen

flippedJulianna has had a “crush” on Bryce ever since she saw him when she was seven and they were in second grade. But Bryce, being a typical second-grade boy, would have nothing to do with Julianna. Bryce and Juilianna are now in eighth grade. Bryce’s grandfather has moved in with the family and he has noticed what a wonderful young lady Julianna is. Bryce notices that Julianna no longer follows him around like a puppy dog any more. She’s moved on to other interests. Bryce finds himself thinking quite a bit about Julianna. Bryce has fallen in love with Julianna and the roles have flipped!

Feed by M.T. Anderson

feedTitus and his friends all have “feeds”. Feeds are brain implants which are connected to a computer network that runs 24/7 advertising everything Titus and his friends would ever want or need. Titus and his friends no longer have to speak verbally with one another. They communicate telepathically. The “feed” keeps everyone occupied and compliant. On a trip to the moon with his friends, Titus meets Violet. There’s something different about Violet that catches Titus’s attention. Violet has an older feed and has been home-schooled by her father who is a professor. When Violet contracts a virus that causes her feed to fail, she comes out fighting against the feed leaving Titus with a decision to make. Should he join Violet’s rebellion?

Bucking the Sarge by Christopher Paul Curtis

bucking the sargeLuther Farrell has dreams. Dreams of winning first place in the Science Fair (by besting his rival and love interest, Shayla), of attending Harvard, and of getting out of Flint, Michigan. But if the Sarge has her way, Luther will be shaving and bathing elderly men at the Happy Neighbor Group Homes in Flint forever. Sarge is Luther’s mom. There’s a reason she’s called The Sarge. To make is dreams come true, Luther is going to have to muster up the courage to stand up to Sarge.

What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell

how I liedWorld War II ends leaving Beverly and Evie Spooner’s anxiously awaiting the return of their solider. Evie’s step-father, Joe, returns a year later. When Joe finds out that an old war buddy, Peter Coleridge, is trying to track him down, Joe plans a spontaneous vacation to West Palm Beach, Florida. When Peter shows up at their hotel in West Palm Beach, Joe seems very tense. Evie falls head-over-heels for the handsome and gregarious young man against Joe’s wishes. Perhaps Peter isn’t exactly who he seems to be. When a tragedy occurs, Evie finds herself having to make some hard decisions regarding her family and Peter.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

GracelingKatsa has a grace as is evident in her eyes. Each of her eyes has a different color. Katsa has been graced with superior fighting skills and her Uncle Randa uses Kasta as his enforcer in the kindgom of Middluns (one of the seven kingdoms.) Working as King Randa’s enforcer bothers Katsa to her very core, so she and her team of four friends have formed an underground network called The Council that fights for the underdog throughout the Seven Kingdoms. On a secret mission for the Council, Katsa and her team rescue an elderly Lienid who has been kidnapped and is being held prisoner in King Murgon of Sunder’s dungeon. It is during this rescue, Katsa battles a graced Lienid whose skills are close to her own. This encounter spins Katsa’s life in a different direction. Read Graceling to follow Katsa’s amazing journey.