The Crane by Jeff Stone

craneThe Crane by Jeff Stone is the lastest book in his The Five Ancestor Series.  The series introduces five brothers, Fu, Seh, Malao, Hok and Long, who were raised by the Grandmaster at the Cangzhen monastery. Each brother was taught an animal style of Kung-fu by the Grandmaster and finds the need to use it throughout their adventures.  When the Cangzhen monastery is attacked by the emperor’s soldiers led by a traitorous older brother, the younger brothers must flee.  Each brother scatters in a different direction and each book tells the tale of their adventures as they search for one another with hopes to reunite.

The Crane is Hok’s story and Jeff Stone’s lastest installment. 

 I suggest you start with the first book, The Tiger. Then if you want to find out the rest of the story, like I did, read The Monkey, The Snake and The Crane.

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The Trap by John Smelcer

the trap 2I recently finished reading The Trap by John Smelcer.  If you like Hatchet, you should like The Trap.  Albert Least-Weasel is out checking his traplines in the Alaskan wilderness as he has always done for the past sixty years.  When he doesn’t return as scheduled, his grandson, Johnny Least-Weasel begins to worry.  The temperatures are steadily dropping.  Should he follow the advice of his uncle and wait or should he follow his heart and go look for his grandfather? 

There are several attributes that make this book an interesting and enjoyable read.  The story is told in alternating chapters, one in Albert’s voice and the other in Johnny’s voice.  Each chapter begins with a Native American legend which gives you an additional tale.  The harsh setting of the Alaskan wilderness adds to the intensity of this survival tale.  For those of you who love survival and adventure, try out The Trap.