Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor

 looking glass 2I just finished reading the Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. I actually had a chance to meet the author at the Comic Convention in San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. He gave me a 60 second synopsis of the book, enough to make me curious and purchase the book. He plans to write a triology and he is working with others on a comic book series that is already out entitled Hatter M based on Alyss’s bodyguard. I’m intrigued with the concept of having cross-over characters in the novel and comic book. Those of you who are familiar with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass should read Looking Glass Wars just to see how Beddor uses familiar characters and the setting of Wonderland to take us on a whole different journey. And now for Looking Glass Wars…

At Queen Genevieve’s command, Hatter Madigan, the Queen’s faithful and loyal bodyguard, snatches up seven-year-old Princess Alyss and flees through the Pool of Tears to keep her out of the clutches of her vicious Aunt Redd. After emerging from the portal, Alyss finds herself separated from her bodyguard and alone in Victorian London. In London, she meets the author Lewis Carroll to whom she entrusts the terrible story of the Wonderland coup. Alyss hopes that someone will read the tale, come to her rescue, and return her to Wonderland. Lewis Carroll publishes her story as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and he gets everything wrong including the spelling of Alyss’s name. Meanwhile, Wonderland has come under the cruel rule of the Queen of Hearts, Alyss’s Aunt Redd. Will those loyal to Alyss be able to find her in time to return her to the throne? Will Wonderland ever return to its former glory? Check out a copy of The Looking Glass Wars to find out.

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