Volunteer Opportunities

I believe that we are partners in your child’s education and I want you to feel informed and included in our school and classroom community in any way that you feel able or comfortable.  Your participation in the classroom or help outside the classroom is always appreciated.  I do understand, however, that many of you work, have other children at home, or other commitments which make your time to help very limited.   Here is a list of possible jobs/opportunities that might interest you:

Prep Work: cutting, drawing, gluing, copying, laminating, collating, stapling, prepping art materials for a project

Listening to students read or working with a small group

Assisting with art projects

Field Trip Chaperoning

Sharing a skill, talent, doing a presentation

Being the class art docent

Teaching an art, music, p.e., or dance lesson

Helping out with class parties


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