Moving to the 7th grade will be a challenge and a good experience for me. It will be a challenge because I am going to a different school and I will have more responsibilities. It will be a good experience because when i go to highschool I will already know what to do with going to different classes. Going to the 7th grade will be very exciting, but leaving my friends won’t.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Because of you, I know I matter.
You show that you love and care about me. You gave me a bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothes to wear, and things to play with.
Because of you, I am confident.
You encouraged me to try new things and not to be afraid.
Because of you, I learn from my mistakes.
You taught me from right to wrong. You discipline me when I make bad choices.
Because of you, I am who I am.
You taught me how to stand out and not be afraid.
-WIth Love, Amari
Eating Bugs?
Have you ever eaten a bug? In class we ate chili lime crickets, roasted meal worms, and chocolate covered meal worms. I thought that they were ok but, I wouldn’t want to eat them again. Some companies are pushing us to add bugs into our diets. Bugs should be included in our diets because they are nutritious, they require less water and resources, and the rest of the world is already eating them. To begin with, insects are very healthy and nutritious. According to Megan Miller, a cofounder of Bitty Foods, they are packed with with protein, vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Next, they also require less water and resources than meat. According to Jarrod Goldin, a cofounder of Entomo Farms, “To produce one pound of meat protein, you need 2,000 gallons of water, but, with crickets, one pound of protein requires one gallon of water.” Finally, insects are tasty. More than 2 billion people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America eat insects. Bugs should be part of our diets because they are healthy, easier to raise, and tasty.
A Life Changing Experience
Scrooge in the past affected how he is today. Has anything in the past affected how u are today? Something in the past that has affected me in the present is how my mom goes to school and work all day and works hard to make sure my sister and I are well taken care of. When she does that, it makes me want to take care of more people and be a better person than I already am. Events in the past can not only affect you in the present, but also in the future.
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers supported the growth of Mesopotamia civilization. Mesopotamia is located between the two rivers, the Persian Gulf, and the Mediterranean Sea. Frequent floods left fresh silt making the land ideal for farming. Because the farmers were able to grow plentiful food, the world’s first civilization developed.
Hi i’m Amari!
Hello world or people reading this right now, my name is Amari! Let me tell you a few things about me. I have one sister that is a handful (to me at least). I like art concluding painting and drawing. My favorite show is The Walking Dead because I like zombie movies and to scare myself. I like the poop emoji’s. It are just so funny. My favorite is pizza because that is every kid’s favorite. I really enjoy singing and listening to music. I am really glad to have this blog.