
Definition: A picture produced with photographic materials without a camera.

Two Artists: Floris Neususs and Ethan Jantzer








My Idea: For my photogram next week I am planning on using all items from nature such as flowers, leafs, and blades of grass.

Pop Art

Definition: Art based on modern popular culture and the mass media, especially as a critical or ironic comment on traditional fine art values. Pop Art was born in Britain in the mid 1950s. Pop Art occurred  among artists called the Independent Group.



By Andy Warhol-




By Roy Lichtenstein-




Before: image(6)   After: AlaeiPPopArt


Composition Techniques

1. Rule of Thirds: Mentally divide your image before being taken into 9 equal segments and position the most important elements of your picture along these lines or intersections you have created. This will balance your photo.

2. Balancing Elements: If you plan on capturing your subject off center, include a less important subject in the blank space to maintain balance.

3. Leading Lines: Think more about the placement of lines in your piece to enhance the photos composition and attract the natural eye.

4. Symmetry and patterns: Capture a sense of symmetry or pattern to attract the eye, or even break the pattern and symmetry for a different attraction.

5. Viewpoint: Spend more time thinking through the viewpoint you will be taking your photo from. Consider different levels and perspectives.

6. Background: Try using a plain background that will not distract from your main subject.

7. Depth: Create depth in your picture by providing objects in the foreground, middle ground, and background of your picture as well. This will create very recognizable layers.

8. Border: Create a border using natural objects such as trees and holes. This will hope the focusing o the main subject.

9. Cropping: Crop your image to eliminate the unnecessary objects in the photo giving the subject more attention.

10. Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to experiment with the shots you are taking, take many and try new things!